About Me

//E N A M E W U R A ~ A D J O A A S I A M A //S T Y L E ◦ B E A U T Y ◦ F O O D ◦ L I F E //G H A N A I A N //B I R M I N G H A M, U K //O C T O B E R.1 0.1 9 9 4


Little Ol' Me

COW Vintage 'Fluffy Knitted' Blazer | Thrifted Mini 'Pleated' Skirt | Thrifted 'Striped' Shirt

So, here's what I got up to on Wednesday:  OOTD

Detail on Fluffy Knitted Blazer

 Handmade 'Braided Gold' Necklace 

Primark 'Knee High' Socks | Barratts 'Brogues' Shoes

Then the FUN began hehehe...

Got to help my fave girl Ellis, with her Uni art project, I did a make up look that complimented the artistic feel of her head dress piece she designed; I will try and make a post of better pictures and the concept behind it. Love and missed this girl, she never fails to make me laugh!

Finally, myself, Humarya and Ellis went down to COW Vintage's Student Lock In Discount event where I met up with my fave crazy chic, Tanya (check out her Tumblr at http://vimbia.tumblr.com/).
Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting up lots of Street Styles I have captured over the last month. I will also be posting some stuff on Black History Month, maybe some of my favourite quotes and stories. 

"God gives nothing to those who keep their arms crossed." - African Proverb

CONTACT ME FOR ANY BEAUTY ENQUIRES: Bloglovin | FacebookInstagram | Twitter

Enam A. oxx


  1. Loving the fringe Enam!

    1. Thank you bbyg, was feeling alittle adventurous lol

  2. I love your style! Just found your blog and I love it! New Follower!

    1. awwh thank you thank youu :) means a lot will follow you back oxx
