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BEAUTY TIP: Turmeric Mask.

Hello love muffins, back after 2 weeks of no blogging, to hit you up with something beauty related again. My sister Winifred in New York, whilst having a long Skype session recommended, no, insisted on me doing this amazing beauty mask to help with skin, because I'm not fully happy with my face texture as summer brings heat rashes on my face and oily pores. So, she demonstrated gracefully and there was certainly a glow in her face, as the spice Turmeric leaves a orange stain. 

The Turmeric Mask is a popular natural beauty remedy in the eastern Indian culture, especially used by brides before their wedding to help their skin glow. During the teen stages of development, there are hormonal changes which may leads to a lot of break out on the skin such as acne. The turmeric is good for both the skin and hair as the powder stimulates hair growth,  and reduces the thinning of hair. With the skin, it helps with eczema conditions, healthy fading of sun tans and heal wounds on the skin. 

Below I show you how to make your own Turmeric Mask:

A Tub or Bowl | Garbanzo Bean Flour | Turmeric | Almond Oil | Milk 

Now, alternatives can include replacing the the Garbanzo Bean Flour with Rice Flour, Almond Oil with Coconut Oil and Milk with Natural Yoghurt. Any of those would work just the same, as they are all good, natural and everyday home products accessible to use. 


1. Start off by putting 2 tablespoons of the Garbanzo Bean Flour into your tub or bowl.
2.The add to that 1 - 1 and a half tablespoons of the Turmeric powder
3.Now mix the dry powders together with your spoon.
4. To the powder add 2 tablespoons of the Almond Oil
5. With the milk you should start off by adding little amounts, so 2 tablespoons firstly.
6. The mixture should still look dry like pictured above.
7. If this is the case then add 2 more tablespoons, it will look like the bottom left picture; Blumpy & Thick.
8. By this time the mixture should be thick and just needs about 1 or 2 more tablespoons of milk to be smooth.
9. The mixture should be thick and not too think like water, but thick and runny like yoghurt or runny mousse.

Here's what I look like without make up, here we go... 

You need to clean face, with all your make up removed. 
Try not to get any into your eyes as it will hurt, and your nose as it will block your nose as it dries up.

Let the mask sit on your face for about 20 -30mins to dry up, you will notice it has dried when you can not talk properly and it may even start flaking off. Just take some warm water and rub it in to be become sticky and wet again, whilst washing it off. With a dry towel just dub the wetness off your face. 

You may see a little glow in your face; RESULTS!  Try putting it on at least 2 times a week to see improvements. Get messy and have fun making your skin healthy and smooth. The mask can be kept in the fridge to preserve it and can be put on any part of the body not just the face.


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"I Define My Beauty I say how I want to look. I decide on my style. See me, love me, accept me for who I am. Be your own kind of beautiful"

Enam A. oxx

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