I do many self portraits of myself; with this one, my most recent one I felt that I needed
to express my emotions on the events that have taken place so far as an 18 year old Adult,
final year A Level student and a young woman blossoming in my generation.
I felt like with the pressure during exams and months before university choices, I lost myself;
the self I thought I was comfortable in ... but I've had to learn it the hard way, that comfort, cannot always
be the most pleasure filled feeling. I love the woman I am blossoming into and I am definitely trying to deal with change much better, as it's always been one of my weaknesses.
I know in all I am not losing myself negatively but positively, this time round
I know it and feel it that this Change is going to be for the better.
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”
Enam A. oxx
Oh my goodness. I love this. You are definitely an inspiration to me, as well as younger viewers who are finding it hard to accept themselves as they are. :) xx